It’s fun to see how my art skill has progressed and to look at old art (top right to bottom left) the bottom left was not my first but I could not fit more than 9 pictures | Also I’m making my page for art only all of my new posts will be my art or me responding to something like if someone asked a question. I will also be keeping older popular posts for me to look at otherwise I am working on deleting others | none of my art is commissioned art I have done for people but I might open commissions in a few months or so.
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🏳️‍🌈Witriru🏳️‍🌈 (Moved to Instagram)

Kansas City, KS, USA , United States

It’s fun to see how my art skill has progressed and to look at old art (top right to bottom left) the bottom left was not my first but I could not fit more than 9 pictures | Also I’m making my page for art only all of my new posts will be my art or me responding to something like if someone asked a question. I will also be keeping older popular posts for me to look at otherwise I am working on deleting others | none of my art is commissioned art I have done for people but I might open commissions in a few months or so.
#cartoon #animal #vector #animals #FreeToRemix
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