Supper #236 of #365 for 2020. Pan Roasted Chicken Breasts w/Herb & Garlic Marinade, Steamed Jasmine Rice, & Steamed Corn. First, I seared the chicken on the stove before putting it into the oven to finish cooking. #feedfeed #supper yes #suppertime #food52 #eeeeat #catsnbearz #corn #chicken #rice
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Cats' N Bearz

Dallas, TX, USA , United States

Supper #236 of #365 for 2020. Pan Roasted Chicken Breasts w/Herb & Garlic Marinade, Steamed Jasmine Rice, & Steamed Corn. First, I seared the chicken on the stove before putting it into the oven to finish cooking. #feedfeed #supper yes #suppertime #food52 #eeeeat #catsnbearz #corn #chicken #rice
#food #meat #pan #meal #cooking #FreeToRemix #feedfeed #supper #suppertime #food52 #eeeeat #catsnbearz #corn #chicken #rice #Garland #TX #United States
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